DigiDiagnose: A Health App Crafted Using Flutter and Firebase

Replicate Instagram: Building a Social Platform with Flutter and Firebase

Flutter and Firebase Food App with Firestore Authentication

Building a Basic Flutter Shopping List App with Firebase Database Integration

Build a Video Sharing App with Flutter Using GetX and Firebase

Explore with Ease: Flutter Firebase Tourist Guide UI App

Flutter-Firebase UI Challenge

Efficient Order Processing App: Building with Flutter, Dart, Firebase, and GetX

Canvasify: A Collaborative Generative Art App Powered by Flutter and Firebase

Dynamic Resume Builder: Crafted with Flutter and Firebase for Full Responsiveness

Flutter and Firebase-Powered Job Portal Application

Flutter and Firebase-Powered Chat Application

Flutter and Firebase-Powered Contacts Management Application

Instagram Replica: Flutter App with Firebase Integration

Flutter-Based One-to-One Chat App with Firebase Authentication

A Complete Contacts Application Developed with Flutter and Firebase

To-Do List Application with Firebase Integration in Flutter

A Flutter-based Lemmy client

Top Flutter Tools Every Developer Should Know in 2023

Developing an Instagram clone using Firebase and the Flutter framework

Streamline authentication and session control in your Flutter application through seamless Firebase integration

A Stylish App with an Intuitive UI Leveraging Firebase Auth for Seamless Sign-Up and Login

Flutter and Firebase Powered Community Chat Application

A social networking platform tailored for bikers, crafted using Flutter and Firebase integration

A wallpaper app dedicated to FreeFire, developed with Flutter and Firebase integration

A social networking application inspired by Twitter, powered by Firebase, utilizing the Modular architecture, and integrating MobX for state management

Building a Discord Clone with Flutter: Getting Started

FirebaseTodo: A Petite Todo List Crafted with Firebase and Dart/Flutter